Ski Lodge Changes To Puffle Lodge + Puffle Guide badge Pin

Penguins, let's join the Puffle Guides at the newest room 'Puffle Lodge', located at the Ski Village.
Here's a message from the Puffle Handler:

Everyone can come and celebrate next week with fish cake... and coffee(of course!). 
You can find the Puffle Guide Badge Pin beside the fish cake. Check it out:


The new room looks pretty good, but the bonfire is erroneous. It's out of motion! Penguins, you can go fishing from the door beside the Mullet(see arrow).
And what's upstairs? Let's see...

Lodge Attic has an awesome new look. Not only that, Portal Box is also here!
I miss the old Ski Lodge, it was fun and even had a big bonfire.
What do you think, Puffle Lodge is better or Ski Lodge was better? Leave a comment below.

Guys, I'm Back! :D

Hi everyone!

I've not been active recently, and I regret for that. I was quite 'busy' with my studies and exams. My exams are finally over and I can give plenty of time in running this blog.
Penguins, hope y'all are fine and enjoying around the island.
Now, all you have to do is to stay tuned to this blog ,and I will provide you with all my Club penguin experiences with latest cheats and guides. Let's gear up for the Puffle Party 2015!!

So why wait? Let the posts begin! Comment your thoughts and queries(if any) below!
Until next time,
Waddle on the Buses!
